Water-based wall paints vs oil-based wall paints

Water-based wall paints vs oil-based wall paints

Water-based wall paints vs oil-based wall paint What is better for you?

13 Aspects To Compare Different Wall Paints

Painting is a common way to protect and improve the appearance of any building. The majority still preferred wall painting to many other methods of covering even today. The most common types of wall paint are oil-based paint and water-based paint. These wall paints, like any other covering, have benefits and drawbacks. Today, Neweverestllc experts discuss the differences between oil-based and water-based paints. Additionally, their benefits and drawbacks are discussed.

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Preparation of wall paints:

Water-based paint requires less preparation time because it covers and conceals wall cracks and holes.

Oil-based paints, on the other hand, can be applied after wall imperfections have been repaired. Additionally, oil-based paints do not conceal wall imperfections but rather bring them to light.

Drying time of wall paints:

The drying time for water-based paints, which range from two to four hours, is shorter. As a result, even applying multiple coats takes less time, and the painting project can be completed in a day.

Oil-based paints, on the other hand, take about eight to ten hours to dehydrate. As a result, one must retain the second coating. As a result, painting takes longer, even in small spaces.

The durability of paint types:

For interior painting, water-based paints are preferred because they are long-lasting. However, it is not suitable for exterior painting because it cannot withstand severe weather. Additionally, it has the drawback of peeling off over time.

Oil-based paint is a better choice for painting the exterior of a home because it can withstand ultraviolet light. However, after a few years, oil paints need to be repainted because they become dull quickly.

Coverage of wall paints:


Paints that are based on oil have more coverage than those that are based on water. Furthermore, water-based coatings require three to four layers. Oil-based paint, on the other hand, requires one or two coats.

Equipment  and workforce:


Both types of paint call for the same workforce and equipment. The house can also be painted by you because it is simple. However, because it is a difficult task, you must hire an experienced individual if you require wall paint designs. Additionally, reputable Dubai painting companies provide the best painting services in Dubai.

Cost of different wall paints:

Oil-based paints, on the other hand, are more expensive than water-based ones. In Dubai, you can now save 30% to 37% on Jotun paint.

Water Resistance:

Paint made with water is sensitive to water. After soaking in water, it begins to peel off. Additionally, when it dries, it stains from the water.

Walls that are damp cannot be painted with oil-based paints. However, these paints are water-resistant once applied to drywall.

Damage resistance:


After five years, water-based paints begin to shed. Oil-based paints, like water-based ones, have the disadvantage of cracking over time.

Stain resistance:

The paints based on water get dirty quickly and stain quickly. Oil paints, in contrast to paints based on water, require little upkeep. A simple cloth can be used to remove the stains or spots.

The appearance of wall paints:

Gloss is absent from the water-based paint. Oil paints, on the other hand, shine and brighten the room.

Cleaning after wall painting:


Because oil paints are tough, it’s hard to clean the spots after painting with them. When applying oil paints, extreme caution is required. On the other hand, the area can be cleaned by rubbing a wet cloth against water-based paints.

Environmentally safe factor:


There are only a few volatile organic compounds in the water-based product. Consequently, it is secure and beneficial to the environment. Oil paints, on the other hand, do not pose a significant threat to the environment due to the high concentration of these compounds in them. Painting companies are currently working on developing less harmful oil paint with the toxic issue in mind.

The color combination of wall paints:


There are numerous color combinations available in both types of paint. The Neweverestllc painting company offers approximately more than 200 color options. This wide range of colors gives you more color options for your home.

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